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Salt of Peter
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Salt of Peter or potassium nitrate is a chemical compound with the formula KNO3. It occurs as a mineral niter and is a natural solid source of nitrogen. Major uses of potassium nitrate are in fertilizers, rocket propellants and fireworks; it is one of the constituents of gunpowder.

Salt of Peter is mainly used in fertilizers, as a source of nitrogen and potassium – two of the macro nutrients for plants. When used by itself, it has an NPK rating of 13-0-44. Potassium Nitrate is also one of the three components of black powder, along with powdered charcoal (substantially carbon) and sulfur, where it acts as an oxidizer.

In the process of food preservation, Salt of Peter has been a common ingredient of salted meat since the Middle Ages, it is still used in some food applications, such as charcuterie and the brine used to make corned beef. Sodium nitrate (and nitrite) have mostly supplanted Potassium Nitrate's culinary usage, as they are more reliable in preventing bacterial infection than saltpetre. All three give cured salami and corned beef their characteristic pink hue.

Salt of Peter is an efficient oxidizer, which produces a lilac flame upon burning due to the presence of potassium. It is therefore used in amateur rocket propellants and in several fireworks such as smoke bombs, made with a mixture of sucrose and Salt of Peter. It is also added to pre-rolled cigarettes to maintain an even burn of the tobacco.

Salt of Peter is the main component (usually about 98%) of tree stump remover, as it accelerates the natural decomposition of the stump. It is also commonly used in the heat treatment of metals as a solvent in the post-wash. The oxidizing, water solubility and low cost make it an ideal short-term rust inhibitor.

Salt of Peter was used to ensure complete combustion of paper cartridges for cap and ball revolvers, as a treatment agent for the paper used to make the cartridges.

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